Monday, September 24, 2007

A Easter Night @ New Roc City

This Night at New Roc City was not like regular nights at new Roc, this night alone went down in history, even the police won't forget that Easter.....

On the night of Easter most of L-city wasn't sure on what was about to go down due to prior beef with certain members of BNO ((Bronx Niggas Only)) and the word of that day was everybody was going to be there, and if everybody was there BNO wasn't far.


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When we reached New Roc that night i had allot on my mind, thinking what was gonna happen when we meet up with BNO, if we fight again who's gonna help, n etc. Then we stepped out the cabs an seen nobody on the front so we walked around the corner to see a lot of people n in the certain a crowd of over 200 wild n drunk teenagers (BNO), I was type shook of the fact that we was beefing wit at least a quarter of a crowd. So at first the main people that always get into the fights such as me, Money Mike,and Shellz were on point because we didn't know if the beef was really dead or not. We walked towards the crowd an to my surprise the beef was really done, greeting us with wild handshakes n cups of liquor it was obvious that the beef was dead or just on hold, either way we were good for the moment. I continued to walk around to try an see familiar faces either enemies or friends, when it came to my attention that nobody we had beef with was there. Now that i feel more safe after scanning the area we start to really have fun n not worry about fighting, so i meet up with a few friends from co-op city that were behind the crowd sipping on cups. " Whats That you'll drinking, look like the patron or belvy " i said, " Nah man this that white bird right here " said 1 of my friends from co-op. I was so comfortable at the time i stared to drink, " Werd that's the Goose, Fuck it might as well join you'll " i said an pulled my bottle out my hoodie pocket to join in with them. After taking a few sips off the bottle i went back for Money Mike, but to my surprise of being to comfortable n a little tipsy off the bottle the members of BNO that we did have beef with had just arrived. Back on point now we posted up n waited 2 see what their reaction to seeing us would be, so eyes meet followed by head nods n handshakes. Beef was officially dead n there was allot of girls that needed to be talked to, that's all i had on my mind while taking my bottle to the head.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket TwiZzy, Aquia, n MikeFlow.
After seeing a few myspace girls, taking pictures with a few friends, n Watching BNO run in the movies to Show what they do Best " Turn It Up " police Shit it down n pushed us 2 the streets where we stood up n chilled for about 45 minutes to an hour. Now my bottle nearly done n girls i don't even know asking to finish my bottle 4 me, " You coming home with me after my shit done " i said being a big flirt n really trying to get her to come through to my house. After walking around talking to people i don't know an trying to put my friends on with girl i thought i knew came the fights, even though i blacked out during the fighting the pain in my fist stayed with me the whole night. Coming to my senses after hearing Money Mike yell out " stop being a dickhead before you get beat up out here" i calmed down n started following a group of Girls (( Paperdolls )) around corners n crossing streets not realizing that I'm walking farther n farther from my team. Passing a diner about a block away from a chase bank, i seen 1 of my friends from Get rich ent. so i waited there until i seen my friends catch up to me n see where we at next.

Now we trying to go home after going around in circles trying to lose the police n ending up losing ourselves in new Rochelle we finally see a cab, so like the first 4 or 5 in front start running so we did the same in the back not knowing a group of niggas behind us did the same also but they were running to catch us. So we stopped n then they stopped behind us 2, even though i didn't hear what was said i seen what was going down. After seeing my cousin getting hit n stabbing somebody in the jaw n seeing my friend Jae-tips getting rush by the group, i started bugging " Yo what the fuck it wrong with ya niggas " while pulled my bottle out to knock out the closest 1 to me, after trying to weave a hit i got dragged by my hoodie into the streets n got stomped out for a quick minute, then i got up n dashed to the other side of the streets n didn't see nobody...none of my Friend nor any of the niggas i was fighting so i started wilding breaking car glasses thinking my friends didn't help me n watched me get jumped.I saw a few of my friends from co-op n 1 from my team at the same time the guy i knocked out was getting up with a busted head from the bottle, but it wasn't until i started describing him to my friends wen i realized he was bleeding from the head n it was him but no faster than we started chasing him he took off to the police. So i started wilding " where ya was at?? why the fuck ya ain't help me..What the fuck" i said n while I'm speaking 2 Mexicans ran up next 2 me talking another language, so i thought off the back it was 1 of them so they ran n got caught because my friends that were in a car hoped out n picked 1 of them up n throw him to the floor while I hoped in a car with a few girls i knew that saw the whole thing,come to find out they were more then help than i thought....

more Versions n Point of views to the New Roc City Easter Brawl will be posted soon...

More than 70 guns were found on New Rochelle Property that night.
No One under 18 can enter the game rooms without a Parent
New Roc City Will Never Be the Same......


Anonymous said...

ma nigga u ainnt tellin da story rite......wat happen to wen i came n rock a Couple niggas for u.......yea mengg u gotta tell those parts 2

Anonymous said...

DAMN it went down like dat?
i aint see none of dat n i was dere the whole night
I hope everything alrite n yall squashed all da beef